"The Adventures of Captain Horn" by Frank R. Stockton is an adventure novel likely written during the early 20th century. The story follows Captain Philip Horn, who navigates a perilous journey after his ship, the "Castor", encounters a devastating tornado off the Peruvian coast. Alongside him are three passengers, including two ladies and a young boy, each facing the unknown dangers of the sea and the treacherous wilderness as they seek refuge. The beginning of the book sets the stage for an unfolding survival saga. After the shipwreck, Captain Horn and the remaining crew manage to escape in lifeboats, aiming to reach the uninhabited coast of Peru. Upon arrival, they establish a camp but soon discover the growing peril that surrounds them—both from the harsh elements and the lurking threat of the Rackbirds, a gang of ruthless brigands. As Horn grapples with the responsibility of keeping his party safe, mysterious events unfold, revealing hidden dangers and unexpected allies among the indigenous people. With suspense building as the characters navigate their new reality, the opening chapters create a gripping foundation for a tale of courage, resourcefulness, and adventure against formidable odds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Adventures of Captain Horn
By Frank R. Stockton
Sequel: Mrs. Cliff's Yacht, #30848.
Frank Richard Stockton was an American writer and humorist, best known today for a series of innovative children's fairy tales that were widely popular during the last decades of the 19th century.
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