"Suzy" by Watson Parker is a science fiction short story first published in the early 1960s. The narrative centers around the themes of love and isolation as it explores the emotional connection between astronauts and a voice assistant named Suzy, who keeps them sane during their long missions in space. The story delves into the psychological challenges faced by individuals in extreme solitude, set against the backdrop of human space exploration. In the story, Whit Clayborne, an astronaut, is deeply connected to Suzy, a voice that provides companionship and comfort during his grueling mission in an observation capsule. As he counts down the days until his return to Earth, he becomes emotionally attached to Suzy, even proposing marriage. However, unbeknownst to him, Suzy has made a promise to remain emotionally distant until the astronauts return, leading to a complex web of unreciprocated feelings. When Whit eventually arrives on Earth and meets Suzy, he discovers that she is a physically disabled woman, which complicates his feelings and the promise that has kept them together in spirit. The story concludes with a poignant moment of hope as Suzy realizes Whit's unwavering love for her despite the barriers between them. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Watson Parker
"Suzy" by Watson Parker is a science fiction short story first published in the early 1960s. The narrative centers around the themes of love and isola...
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About the Author
Watson Parker was an American historian, author and academic. Parker, a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh, specialized in the history of the Black Hills of South Dakota and eastern Wyoming. He was inducted into the South Dakota Hall of Fame in 2011 for his work.
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