"The Riddle of the Rangeland" by Forbes Parkhill is a captivating novelette likely written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of the Wyoming mountains, the story intricately weaves elements of mystery and suspense surrounding the murder of a forest ranger named Joe Fyffe. The main character, Sheriff Lafe Ogden, along with his deputy and friend Otis Carr, are drawn into the investigation that reveals the complex interplay between cattlemen and government rangers. At the start of the story, Sheriff Ogden, armed and cautious, discovers the body of Joe Fyffe inside the Red Rock ranger station, raising questions about who could have murdered the quiet ranger. As the deputies examine the scene, they find a cryptic message scrawled on the floor attributing the crime to Otis Carr, who insists he is innocent and had been miles away at the time of the murder. The narrative unfolds with the characters grappling with the implications of the evidence against Otis, setting the stage for a quest to uncover the truth behind Fyffe's death while navigating the tensions of ranch life and the looming danger of cattle rustlers. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The riddle of the rangeland
By Forbes Parkhill
"The Riddle of the Rangeland" by Forbes Parkhill is a captivating novelette likely written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of the ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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