"Barracks, Bivouacs and Battles" by Archibald Forbes is a collection of historical accounts written in the late 19th century. The work recounts riveting tales of military life, focusing largely on the experiences of soldiers during significant conflicts, particularly in India. Through vivid storytelling, Forbes aims to capture the camaraderie, hardships, and valor displayed in the barracks and on the battlefield. The opening of the book introduces the character Mick Sullivan, a private soldier in the 30th Light Dragoons, who reflects on his life and aspirations amidst the rigors of military discipline. Despite his humble beginnings and lack of formal education, Mick's brave heart and humorous spirit shine through as he navigates military challenges, including his desire to marry without permission from his superiors. His love story unfolds against the backdrop of historical military engagements, illuminating both the personal and collective struggles of soldiers during this tumultuous era. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Barracks, Bivouacs and Battles
By Archibald Forbes
"Barracks, Bivouacs and Battles" by Archibald Forbes is a collection of historical accounts written in the late 19th century. The work recounts riveti...
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About the Author
Archibald Forbes was a Scottish war correspondent.
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