"A History of English Prose Fiction" by Bayard Tuckerman is a historical account written in the late 19th century. The work aims to trace the development of English prose fiction, exploring its origins from early romances to contemporary novels while highlighting the social contexts of different periods. Tuckerman's analysis provides insights into the evolution of prose fiction, emphasizing significant authors and movements across history. The opening of the book introduces the author's intention to document and analyze the progression of English prose fiction. Tuckerman discusses the emergence of chivalric romances amidst the feudal society of medieval Europe, noting how these narratives reflect the values and circumstances of their time. He emphasizes the blending of cultural influences and genres, illustrating how early fiction captured the imaginations of its readers and laid the groundwork for future literary traditions. The text outlines the overarching themes of chivalry and adventure while also touching on the interplay between fiction and the realities of society during the Middle Ages. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A History of English Prose Fiction
By Bayard Tuckerman
"A History of English Prose Fiction" by Bayard Tuckerman is a historical account written in the late 19th century. The work aims to trace the developm...
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About the Author
Bayard Tuckerman was a United States biographer and historian. He was the son of Lucius Tuckerman an iron manufacturer and Elizabeth Wolcott Gibbs Tuckerman.
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