"Returned Empty" by Florence L. Barclay is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the life of Luke Sparrow, a lonely man who has struggled with feelings of emptiness and a yearning for belonging since his infancy, when he was abandoned as a baby. The book explores profound themes of identity, love, and the quest for a true home as Luke navigates his existence, encapsulating his inner turmoil and relentless search for connection. The opening of the novel paints a vivid picture of Luke's life, beginning with a reflective scene on his thirtieth birthday. Alone and contemplating his life, he remembers the label tied to him as a baby, "Returned Empty," a phrase that underscores the essence of his existence. As he swims near a mysterious house, he becomes an unexpected observer of a family scene that evokes a deep sense of longing within him—an encounter that ignites his desire to find a place he can call home. This moment marks the beginning of his journey toward understanding himself and potentially reclaiming the connections he has lost, suggesting that his story will unfold with a mix of poignant introspection and romantic intrigue. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Returned Empty
By Florence L. (Florence Louisa) Barclay
"Returned Empty" by Florence L. Barclay is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the life of Luke Sparrow, a lonely man who has...
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About the Author
Florence Louisa Barclay was an English romance novelist and short story writer.
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