"The Brown Mask" by Percy James Brebner is a historical novel written during the early 20th century. Set against a backdrop of adventure and intrigue, the story introduces key figures from the underbelly of society, including a charming highwayman known as the Galloping Hermit, who wears a mysterious brown mask. The unfolding drama touches on themes of love, honor, and the social dynamics of 17th century England, focusing on characters such as Gentleman Jack and Barbara Lanison, who navigate the dangerous and duplicitous world they inhabit. At the start of the novel, the scene is set in the "Punch-Bowl" tavern, an unassuming establishment frequented by social outcasts and highwaymen. Within its walls, a group of characters, including the swaggering Gentleman Jack, share tales of exploits and danger, eventually leading to a discussion about the infamous Galloping Hermit. The plot quickly accelerates when Jack is apprehended, capturing the attention of society and drawing in Barbara Lanison, a young woman of wealth and substance. She attends the trial of Gentleman Jack, encountering layers of deception, admiration, and moral ambiguity as relationships and societal perceptions begin to intertwine. The opening lays the groundwork for a gripping narrative revolving around honor, both in love and among thieves, with profound implications for its characters. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Brown Mask
By Percy James Brebner
"The Brown Mask" by Percy James Brebner is a historical novel written during the early 20th century. Set against a backdrop of adventure and intrigue,...
Percy James Brebner was a British writer of adventure and detective fiction.
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