"The Pointing Man: A Burmese Mystery" by Marjorie Douie is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of Burma, the narrative revolves around the mysterious disappearance of Absalom, the assistant of a curio shop owner named Mhtoon Pah. The story intricately weaves through the lives of various characters including the Rev. Francis Heath and the police officer Hartley, hinting at deeper secrets and social intricacies within the bustling native quarter of Mangadone. The opening of the novel introduces a vivid picture of Mangadone, filled with colorful shops and diverse ethnic groups, setting a lively scene. We meet Mhtoon Pah, who is distressed over his missing assistant Absalom, and learn that the last person to see him was the Rev. Heath. The tension builds as Hartley, the Head of Police, becomes embroiled in the investigation, facing an increasingly complex web of connections among the townspeople, including Mrs. Wilder, who exhibits a curious disregard for Absalom's fate. This initial portion of the book effectively sets up a mystery that blends the personal and societal, hinting at underlying themes of ambition, identity, and moral dilemmas. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Pointing Man: A Burmese Mystery
By Marjorie Douie
"The Pointing Man: A Burmese Mystery" by Marjorie Douie is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of Burma, the narrative...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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