"It Was Marlowe: A Story of the Secret of Three Centuries" by Wilbur Gleason Zeigler is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around the intriguing figure of Christopher Marlowe, a prominent playwright of the Elizabethan era, as it explores themes of authorship, scandal, and love, all set against the backdrop of the tumultuous societal changes of that time. At the start of the story, we meet Marlowe in the midst of the plague-stricken London of June 1593. A chance encounter with a youth named Tabbard leads to discussions regarding the Lady Anne and a potential romantic connection between them. Meanwhile, tensions brew as Marlowe navigates his professional life as a playwright and actor amid rumors of his controversial reputation and impending danger. Secrets unfold through Tabbard's news and Marlowe's upcoming clandestine meeting with Anne, setting the stage for a tale filled with intrigue, romance, and the shadow of Marlowe’s enigmatic past. This opening lays the groundwork for a plot that promises to delve into the complexities of Marlowe's life and the challenges he faces in a world rife with political and personal peril. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
It Was Marlowe: A Story of the Secret of Three Centuries
By Wilbur Gleason Zeigler
"It Was Marlowe: A Story of the Secret of Three Centuries" by Wilbur Gleason Zeigler is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The narra...
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About the Author
Wilbur Gleason Zeigler (1857–1923) was a lawyer and writer who is best known for founding the Marlovian theory of Shakespeare authorship in the preface and notes to his 1895 novel It Was Marlowe. He also wrote on the history of Ohio, the culture of North Carolina, and the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, of which he was a survivor.
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