"Alone" by Marion Harland is a novel written in the mid-19th century. The story explores themes of love, loss, and the emotional struggles of its main character, Ida Ross, who is grappling with the tragic death of her mother. As she navigates her newfound life as an orphan, the novel delves into her profound sense of isolation and her search for genuine companionship. The opening portion of the book immediately immerses readers in a somber atmosphere, highlighting Ida's heartbreaking experience at her mother's funeral. The ceremony poignantly captures the deep sorrow of loss, emphasizing the profound bond between Ida and her mother. The narrative then shifts to the young girl’s painful transition into her new life with a guardian who lacks warmth and understanding. Harland's writing paints a vivid picture of Ida's emotions, showcasing her yearning for love and her struggle against a world that seems indifferent to her suffering. As the story progresses, the dynamics between Ida and the people around her, including her cold guardian and new acquaintances, promise a deeper exploration of her character and the challenges she must face. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Marion Harland
"Alone" by Marion Harland is a novel written in the mid-19th century. The story explores themes of love, loss, and the emotional struggles of its main...
Mary Virginia Terhune, also known by her penname Marion Harland, was an American author who was prolific and bestselling in both fiction and non-fiction genres. Born in Amelia County, Virginia, she began her career writing articles at the age of 14, using various pennames until 1853, when she settled on Marion Harland. Her first novel Alone was published in 1854 and became an "emphatic success" following its second printing the next year. For fifteen years she was a prolific writer of best-selling women's novels, classified then as "plantation fiction", as well as writing numerous serial works, short stories, and essays for magazines.