"Three Hats" by Arthur Shirley is a farcical comedy written in the late 19th century. The play revolves around the misadventures of Sam Selwyn, who experiences a night of questionable choices leading to hilariously tangled situations involving mistaken identities, social blunders, and family drama. As the plot unfolds, it explores themes of friendship, love, and the complexities of marriage in a light-hearted and comedic manner. The opening of the play introduces the characters of Sam Selwyn and Fred Bellamy, who both appear disheveled after an adventurous night. Sam is anxious about the implications of his escapades as his wife is returning home, leading him to devise a plan to rectify the situation. As he navigates the tension of potentially revealing secrets and dealing with misunderstanding, the presence of Dibbs, the boy in buttons, adds comedic relief with his humorous observations and interactions. Ultimately, the beginning sets the stage for a series of comedic exchanges and mishaps, laying the groundwork for the farcical entanglements to come. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Three Hats A Farcical Comedy in Three Acts
By Arthur Shirley
Adapted by Arthur Shirley from Les trois chapeaux by Hennequin.
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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