"Zelda Dameron" by Meredith Nicholson is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Zelda Dameron, a young woman returning to her hometown, Mariona, after a five-year absence abroad with her aunt. The atmosphere surrounding her return is marked by familial complexities, social expectations, and underlying tensions regarding her relationship with her estranged father. At the start of the novel, we witness Zelda's reintroduction to Mariona and the dynamics of her family and acquaintances. The opening chapter reveals her interactions with her Uncle Rodney and Aunt Julia, both of whom have an interest in her well-being, particularly in the context of her connection with her father, Ezra Dameron. This complex relationship is fraught with unspoken histories and emotional undertones as Zelda navigates her new life, grappling with her father's past while seeking to establish her identity and independence. The tension between her family ties and her desire for personal freedom sets the tone for her challenges ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Zelda Dameron
By Meredith Nicholson
"Zelda Dameron" by Meredith Nicholson is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Zelda Dameron, a young woman returning to...
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About the Author
Meredith Nicholson was a best-selling author from Indiana, United States, a politician, and a diplomat.
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