"The Happy Isles" by Basil King is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with a focus on a young boy who, at just eight months old, has experienced a life filled with comfort, joy, and love from his caregivers. As the narrative unfolds, it explores the complexities of childhood and the stark contrast between joy and suffering as the boy becomes embroiled in a harrowing life filled with care and neglect. At the start of the novel, the reader is introduced to a vibrant nursery world through the eyes of an eight-month-old baby, who perceives his surroundings with wonder and curiosity, fully unaware of the challenges that life will soon bring. Shifting perspective, the narrative also delves into the lives of his caregivers, including Miss Nash, a devoted nursemaid who struggles with her emotions and duties. Soon, the idyllic life of the boy is abruptly changed by a series of incidents that lead to profound transformations in his life. The opening establishes a strong emotional foundation that hints at the trials and tribulations that will shape the boy’s journey, making it a compelling start for readers interested in stories about resilience and the complexities of human relationships. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Happy Isles
By Basil King
"The Happy Isles" by Basil King is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with a focus on a young boy who, at just eight months o...
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About the Author
William Benjamin Basil King was a Canadian clergyman who became a writer after retiring from the clergy. His novels and non-fiction were spiritually oriented.
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