"The Life Radiant" by Lilian Whiting is a spiritual and philosophical guide written in the early 20th century. The book explores the journey towards a more enlightened, fulfilling existence based on a harmonization of human will with divine will. Whiting emphasizes that individuals possess the power to create their own realities through faith and the recognition of spiritual energies. The opening of the text invites readers to consider their daily lives as part of a spiritual drama, where every experience contributes to a greater understanding of divine guidance. Whiting argues that life's challenges can be transformed into opportunities for spiritual growth, encouraging individuals to actively engage with both seen and unseen forces. Through a blend of inspiration and introspection, the author aims to teach readers the significance of intertwining their deeper spiritual aspirations with everyday experiences, setting the stage for the profound insights and transformative practices that will follow throughout the rest of the book. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Life Radiant
By Lilian Whiting
"The Life Radiant" by Lilian Whiting is a spiritual and philosophical guide written in the early 20th century. The book explores the journey towards a...
Lilian Whiting was an American journalist, editor, and author of poetry and short stories. She served as literary editor of the Boston Evening Traveller (1880–1890), editor-in-chief of the Boston Budget (1890–93), and afterward, spent much of her time in Europe. Whiting was the author of The World Beautiful, From Dreamland Sent, a book of poems, A Study of the Life and Poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, A Record of Kate Field, The World Beautiful in Books, Boston Days, Florence of Landor, The Outlook Beautiful, Italy, the Magic Land, Paris the Beautiful, and others.