"Wanderlust" by Alan Edward Nourse is a science fiction narrative written in the early 1950s. The book explores themes of adventure and the innate desire for exploration, focusing on the generation of young men drawn to space travel. It delves into the conflicts between familial responsibilities and the pursuit of dreams, particularly reflecting the sentiments of youth in the post-war era. The story centers on Tad, a young man whose excitement about pursuing a career in spaceflight is met with concern and resistance from his father, George Barlow, a farmer with a traumatic past related to space travel. As Tad expresses his desire to abandon college and join the crew of a spaceship, George grapples with his own memories of the dangers associated with that life, recalling his own experiences and fears of loss. The narrative captures the heartbreaking struggle between a father's protective instincts and a son's aspirations, ultimately leading to an insightful conclusion on the price of wanderlust. Through powerful dialogue and emotional depth, the book portrays not just the thrill of exploration but also the heavy burden it carries. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Alan Edward Nourse
"Wanderlust" by Alan Edward Nourse is a science fiction narrative written in the early 1950s. The book explores themes of adventure and the innate des...
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About the Author
Alan Edward Nourse was an American science fiction writer and physician. He wrote both juvenile and adult science fiction, as well as nonfiction works about medicine and science. His SF works sometimes focused on medicine and/or psionics.
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