"The Mountain Divide" by Frank H. Spearman is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the early days of railroad construction in the western United States, particularly focusing on the challenges faced by the characters in the frontier town of Medicine Bend. The central character, Bucks, is a young telegraph operator navigating both the technical challenges of his job and the social dynamics of a rough and dangerous environment. The opening of the book sets the stage in Medicine Bend, where Bucks, just arrived from Pittsburgh, is thrown into the chaos of railroad construction and the tumultuous life of the frontier. As he begins his first night on the job, he clashes with the local crowd, asserting his authority despite their rowdiness. This initial scene introduces key characters such as Park Stanley, a military officer overseeing the railroad project, and Bill Dancing, a seasoned lineman who becomes both a mentor and a protector to Bucks. The melodrama heightens with the introduction of Harvey Levake, a dubious character in the saloon crowd, hinting at the dangers that Bucks must navigate both in his new job and in the wild setting of the West. Through this gripping beginning, readers are drawn into a world of excitement, danger, and the trials of young men seeking their fortunes on the American frontier. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Mountain Divide
By Frank H. (Frank Hamilton) Spearman
"The Mountain Divide" by Frank H. Spearman is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the early days of railroad construc...
Frank Hamilton Spearman was an American writer.
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