"The Unlit Lamp" by Radclyffe Hall is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the lives of the Ogden family, particularly focusing on the relationship between the parents, Colonel and Mrs. Ogden, and their daughters, Joan and Milly. It depicts the challenges and dynamics within the family, exploring themes of authority, aspirations, and societal expectations. The opening of "The Unlit Lamp" introduces Colonel Ogden, who is characterized by his strictness and overbearing nature, as he scrutinizes household expenses while reflecting on his life in a military context. His wife, Mrs. Ogden, appears weary and is portrayed as a dutiful yet anxious figure, struggling to balance her husband's demands and her sensitivity to her daughters' needs. The two daughters offer contrasting personalities: Milly is depicted as charming and carefree, while Joan stands out as an introspective and strong-minded child, often confronting issues of fairness and justice within their home life. This initial section sets the tone for the conflicts and emotional currents that will define the family's narrative. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The unlit lamp
By Radclyffe Hall
"The Unlit Lamp" by Radclyffe Hall is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the lives of the Ogden family, particularly...
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About the Author
Marguerite Antonia Radclyffe Hall was an English poet and author, best known for the novel The Well of Loneliness, a groundbreaking work in lesbian literature. In adulthood, Hall often went by the name John, rather than Marguerite.
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