"A Modern Trio in an Old Town" by Katharine Haviland Taylor is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Jane Jones, an 18-year-old girl from Pennsylvania, as she embarks on a life-changing journey to Florence, Italy, to study piano with the renowned teacher, Signor Michele Paggi. Along the way, she navigates cultural differences, forms new friendships, and experiences the daunting yet exciting world of an artist's life abroad. At the start of the narrative, Jane reflects on her fears and apprehensions about moving to a foreign country, particularly when a key adult chaperone decides to abandon her. While traveling by ship, Jane meets Mr. Terrance Wake, who offers to help her once they reach Florence, easing some of her anxieties. Upon their arrival in Genoa, she experiences the vibrant local life and the sights of Italy, which captivates her. Upon reaching the Pension Dante in Florence, she learns that her old friend, Leslie Parrish, and her friend Viola Harris-Clarke, have arrived as well, bringing new dynamics and tensions into Jane's life as she embarks on her new adventure of music and self-discovery. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A modern trio in an old town
By Katharine Haviland-Taylor
"A Modern Trio in an Old Town" by Katharine Haviland Taylor is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Jane Jones, an 18-year-old...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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