"The Lady of the Mount" by Frederic Stewart Isham is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a chance encounter between Lady Elise, the daughter of the Governor, and a poor boy who lives in the woods, exploring themes of class division and youthful curiosity. The characters are painted against a richly described backdrop of the Mount and its surroundings, hinting at a tale filled with adventure and the intersections of nobility and commonality. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to Lady Elise, an imperious girl riding her white horse, who unexpectedly encounters a young boy while navigating the beach near the Mount. Their interaction reflects her refined upbringing and his humble origins, with her condescension starkly revealing societal hierarchies. The boy is portrayed as intrigued yet shy around her, setting the scene for a class dynamic that will likely play a significant role as the story unfolds. Their brief exchange hints at the girl's sheltered life and his more rugged upbringing, as they both express curiosity about each other’s worlds, foreshadowing deeper explorations of identity and society throughout the narrative. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Lady of the Mount
By Frederic Stewart Isham
"The Lady of the Mount" by Frederic Stewart Isham is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a chance encounter between La...
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About the Author
Frederic Stewart Isham was an American novelist and playwright who wrote mainly historical romances and adventure novels.
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