"The Mystery of the Boule Cabinet: A Detective Story" by Burton Egbert Stevenson is a fictional detective novel likely written in the early 20th century. Set in pre-World War I New York, the tale revolves around the enigmatic death of the main character Philip Vantine, an art connoisseur and collector, whose discovery of a rare Boule cabinet leads to a series of unexpected and sinister events. The story introduces Lester, Vantine’s attorney, who becomes involved in unraveling the circumstances surrounding Vantine’s untimely demise. The opening of the book establishes an intriguing atmosphere marked by art, intrigue, and the supernatural. It begins with Lester receiving a phone call from Vantine, inviting him for lunch after his recent travels abroad. Vantine reveals that he has acquired a stunning Boule cabinet, believed to be of significant historical value, but his joy quickly turns to horror when, shortly after the cabinet's arrival, he discovers a mysterious dead man in his home. The narrative captures the initial excitement of Vantine's return before sharply transitioning into a thrilling mystery, leaving readers eager to uncover the connections between the cabinet, the dead man, and the dark forces at play. The scene is set for an unfolding detective story interwoven with themes of obsession, art, and mortality. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Mystery of the Boule Cabinet: A Detective Story
By Burton Egbert Stevenson
"The Mystery of the Boule Cabinet: A Detective Story" by Burton Egbert Stevenson is a fictional detective novel likely written in the early 20th centu...
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About the Author
Burton Egbert Stevenson (1872–1962) was an American author, anthologist, and librarian. He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio on 9 November 1872, and attended Princeton University 1890–1893.
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