"The Girl from Alsace" by Burton Egbert Stevenson is a romance novel set during the tumultuous times of the Great War, likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around themes of love, identity, and the harsh realities of war, particularly focusing on the struggles faced by those caught between national conflicts. The key characters include Stewart, an American surgeon, and a mysterious Frenchwoman from Alsace, highlighting the intersection of personal and political turmoil in this tumultuous period. The opening of the novel introduces Stewart and his German friend Bloem during a farewell coffee in Cologne just before the outbreak of World War I. Their conversation quickly shifts to the grim reality of impending war, revealing Bloem's grim resignation to militarism in Germany. This sets the stage for a dramatic narrative about war's impact on individuals, as Stewart grapples with the unsettling political changes as they become evident. Soon, Bloem departs for military duty, leaving Stewart to contemplate the chaos unfolding around him, culminating in a serendipitous meeting with a Frenchwoman who seeks his help to escape the clutches of war and oppression. The beginning effectively establishes a sense of urgency and foreshadows the intertwining lives of the main characters against the backdrop of historical events. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Girl from Alsace A Romance of the Great War, Originally Published under the Title of Little Comrade
By Burton Egbert Stevenson
"The Girl from Alsace" by Burton Egbert Stevenson is a romance novel set during the tumultuous times of the Great War, likely written in the early 20t...
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About the Author
Burton Egbert Stevenson (1872–1962) was an American author, anthologist, and librarian. He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio on 9 November 1872, and attended Princeton University 1890–1893.
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