"The History of Emily Montague" by Frances Brooke is a novel written in the mid-18th century. The story begins with an introduction to a group of characters navigating social dynamics, love, and personal ambitions, particularly focusing on Edward Rivers, who expresses his intention to settle in Canada, a land he views as romantically appealing and full of potential. At the start of the novel, Edward Rivers writes letters to his friends, revealing his excitement to move to Canada for both adventure and the prospect of cultivating land. He reflects on his friendship for John Temple, shares observations about the beauty and potential of the Canadian wilderness, and describes the lively interactions between society and local women. The early letters set up a multilayered plot involving romance, personal aspirations, and the exploration of human relationships within the context of colonial Canada. Edward's growing admiration for Emily Montague, a woman he finds captivating despite her upcoming marriage, hints at the potential for tension and drama as the story unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The History of Emily Montague
By Frances Brooke
"The History of Emily Montague" by Frances Brooke is a novel written in the mid-18th century. The story begins with an introduction to a group of char...
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About the Author
Frances Brooke was an English novelist, essayist, playwright and translator. Hers was the first English novel known to have been written in Canada.
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