"The Hour Will Come: A Tale of an Alpine Cloister" by Wilhelmine von Hillern is a historical novel likely written in the late 19th century. The narrative begins in a remote Alpine setting, focusing on themes of sacrifice, duty, and the harsh realities of life within a cloister. The main character is a young noblewoman, cast out by her husband and forced to give birth under dire conditions, who eventually is found by a group of monks who embody compassion and a sense of duty to care for the needy. The opening of the tale sets a somber tone, introducing a desolate and cold landscape where the young mother, after being abandoned, struggles to survive. In the midst of a snowstorm, she is discovered by the monks from the Hospice of Saint Valentine, who bravely strive to save both her and her newborn child. Their acts of kindness provide a stark contrast to the cruelty she has faced, highlighting the compassion that resides within the cloister's walls. The narrative explores the complex interplay of sin, redemption, and the struggles faced by the characters, particularly as the story delves into the consequences of past actions and the search for hope amidst despair. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Hour Will Come: A Tale of an Alpine Cloister. Volumes I and II
By Wilhelmine von Hillern
"The Hour Will Come: A Tale of an Alpine Cloister" by Wilhelmine von Hillern is a historical novel likely written in the late 19th century. The narrat...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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