"Chicken Farm" by Ross Rocklynne is a science fiction short story written in the early 1950s. The narrative focuses on an eccentric and determined man named Harvey who seeks a new venture in space. At its core, the story explores themes of love and ambition, all centered around Harvey’s unusual aspiration to establish a chicken farm on a newly discovered planet named Plymouth, despite the skepticism of others. The story begins with Harvey arriving at a hotel on Mars, where he meets Anna, a woman from a chicken ranch in Oregon. He quickly declares his intentions to marry her and takes off on a mission to find a "perp" planet, eventually securing ownership of Plymouth. As Harvey experiments with various factors to raise better chickens on this new planet, Anna's doubts about the planet's existence grow, leading her to leave him. However, Harvey’s persistent personality finally unites them, and they rush to Plymouth, only to find an overwhelming abundance of chickens. The tale encapsulates a blend of humor and cleverness, showcasing how ambition can lead to both unexpected challenges and delightful outcomes in the quest for success. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Chicken Farm
By Ross Rocklynne
"Chicken Farm" by Ross Rocklynne is a science fiction short story written in the early 1950s. The narrative focuses on an eccentric and determined man...
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About the Author
Ross Rocklynne was the pen name used by Ross Louis Rocklin, an American science fiction author active in the Golden Age of Science Fiction. He also wrote under the pen names Paul Cahendon, R. L. Rocklin and R. Rocklinne.
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