"Delusion; or, The Witch of New England" by Eliza Buckminster Lee is a historical novel written in the early 19th century. The narrative unfolds in a setting during the tragic events of 1692, particularly focusing on the witch trials, though the author intent is noted to soften the dramatic interest associated with those historical happenings. The characters revolve around a young man named Seymore, who aspires for an education against the backdrop of poverty, and his mother-like figures, his grandmother and an aged woman, who express profound love and struggles through their financial constraints and societal expectations. The opening of the novel introduces a picturesque New England landscape where Seymore and his elderly relatives live in humble yet beautiful surroundings. As Seymore engages with his aspirations for education, the narrative reveals a deep discussion between him and his grandmother about their meager wealth and the lengths they would go to support his dreams. Further, a poignant theme emerges as Seymore grapples with self-doubt and ambition, finding the solace in his family's love and the promise of perseverance through prayer and faith. This introductory portion sets the stage for exploring human resilience amidst hardship, familial bonds, and the yearning for intellect and beauty, against a backdrop of societal prejudice and spiritual aspiration. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Delusion; or, The Witch of New England
By Eliza Buckminster Lee
"Delusion; or, The Witch of New England" by Eliza Buckminster Lee is a historical novel written in the early 19th century. The narrative unfolds in a ...
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About the Author
Eliza (Buckminster) Lee (1792–1864) was an American author. She wrote a number of prose works in various genres, including biography, memoir, and fiction, and she translated from German.
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