"The Meadow-Brook Girls in the Hills; Or, The Missing Pilot of the White Mountains" by Janet Aldridge is a fictional adventure novel likely written in the early 20th century. This story follows a group of spirited young girls, known collectively as the Meadow-Brook Girls, who embark on an exciting trip into the White Mountains accompanied by their guide, Janus Grubb. The plot begins to unfold as they encounter mysterious individuals and unexpected mishaps during their journey, adding layers of intrigue and suspense. The opening of the narrative introduces the girls arriving in a small village where they are met by their guide, Janus Grubb, described as somewhat eccentric and wearing peculiar green goggles. Shortly after their arrival, the girls learn that another man, who has an undue interest in their activities, has been watching them, intensifying the sense of mystery. The story quickly escalates with the girls experiencing a treacherous journey through the mountains, leading to a near-fatal accident on a bridge as it collapses, throwing them into chaos. As the characters grapple with challenges, they must rely on each other and their courage to navigate the dangers of the wilderness and uncover the truth behind the strange occurrences surrounding them. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Meadow-Brook Girls in the Hills; Or, The Missing Pilot of the White Mountains
By Janet Aldridge
"The Meadow-Brook Girls in the Hills; Or, The Missing Pilot of the White Mountains" by Janet Aldridge is a fictional adventure novel likely written in...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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