"The Friends; or, The Triumph of Innocence over False Charges" by Unknown is a children's tale written in the early 19th century. This didactic narrative revolves around themes of friendship, morality, and the value of integrity in the face of adversity. The story is likely crafted to entertain while also imparting life lessons to young readers. The plot centers around two friends, Henry Wardour and George Harrington, who face trials during their time at a boarding school in Kent. They demonstrate their character and loyalty by standing up against bullying from older boys who impose unfair rules and take advantage of the younger students. A pivotal moment occurs when a fellow student is wrongfully accused of theft, leading Henry into a state of despair. However, the truth eventually emerges, revealing the true thief among the boys, and Henry's innocence is proved. Throughout the story, the values of friendship, kindness, and honesty are emphasized as Henry and George navigate their journey, ultimately celebrating the victory of virtue over vice. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Friends; or, The Triumph of Innocence over False Charges A Tale, Founded on Facts
By Unknown
"The Friends; or, The Triumph of Innocence over False Charges" by Unknown is a children's tale written in the early 19th century. This didactic narrat...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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