"The Happiness Rock" by Albert Teichner is a science fiction narrative likely written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around a strange asteroid that emits a powder leading to euphoric feelings in those who encounter it. The plot follows Warrant Officer Cramer and Captain Hartley as they explore the asteroid, uncover its secrets, and grapple with the implications of the happiness-inducing substance they discover. As the duo collects samples from the asteroid, they find that the white powder provides intense pleasure without apparent side effects. Hartley, despite initial precautions, becomes increasingly drawn to the substance, attempting to keep the potential commercialization of this newfound joy catalyst a secret. The narrative unfolds the ethical dilemmas of exploiting such a substance while exposing the darker side of human addiction. Cramer's fears about the drug's implications eventually lead to a dramatic confrontation with its unexpected consequences, pushing the boundaries of morality, authority, and the essence of happiness. The book explores themes of temptation, the search for joy, and the potential cost of easy happiness in a society often seeking fulfillment in drug-like escapism. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The happiness rock
By Albert Teichner
"The Happiness Rock" by Albert Teichner is a science fiction narrative likely written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around a strange asteroid...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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