"Sparky Ames of the Ferry Command" by Roy J. Snell is a novel written in the early 1940s. This story follows the adventurous exploits of Mary Mason and her fellow pilot, Sparky Ames, members of the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron during World War II. Set in exotic locations such as Brazil and Africa, the book explores themes of bravery, duty, and the challenges faced in wartime aviation. The opening of the novel introduces readers to a thrilling scene high above Brazilian jungles, where two transport planes are on a perilous mission. One plane encounters mechanical failure, leading to a tense situation as Mary, the skilled co-pilot, follows Sparky's damaged plane into a clearing amidst the unknown dangers of the jungle. As they grapple with the threat posed by potential enemy actions, the narrative sets the stage for an action-packed journey full of unexpected twists, camaraderie, and the overarching mission to deliver crucial military cargo while overcoming the challenges of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sparky Ames of the Ferry Command
By Roy J. (Roy Judson) Snell
"Sparky Ames of the Ferry Command" by Roy J. Snell is a novel written in the early 1940s. This story follows the adventurous exploits of Mary Mason an...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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