"Officer 666" by Barton W. Currie and Augustin McHugh is a humorous novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the adventures of an unconventional police officer, Michael Phelan, as he navigates life, romance, and absurd situations in New York City. Central to the plot are various characters, including the charming, yet self-deprecating Travers Gladwin, and his romantic interest, Helen Burton, whose wit and determination create an engaging dynamic. The opening portion introduces several characters and sets the tone for the humorous and often chaotic narrative. We see a mix-up involving grapefruit and a failed attempt at telepathy during a lunch scene at the Ritz-Carlton, showcasing the intricate social interactions between the main characters. The narrative follows Officer Phelan's misadventures as he deals with mistaken identities, romantic entanglements, and the peculiarities of urban life, building intrigue and laughter from the start. The comedic banter and character-driven plot provide an entertaining glimpse into the escapades that await as the relationships between the characters begin to unfold. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Officer 666
By Barton Wood Currie
"Officer 666" by Barton W. Currie and Augustin McHugh is a humorous novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the adventures ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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