"Roderick Hudson" by Henry James is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story centers around Rowland Mallet, a young man who is preparing to travel to Europe, specifically Rome, where he hopes to find inspiration and purpose in his life. The narrative profoundly explores themes of art, ambition, and the complexities of human relationships, particularly through the character of Roderick Hudson, an aspiring sculptor entangled in his own artistic aspirations and familial expectations. At the start of the novel, Rowland visits his cousin Cecilia in Northampton, where their conversation reveals his introspective nature and deep-seated need for purpose. They discuss Rowland's impending trip to Europe, as Cecilia encourages him to be of social use, reflecting her own struggles with the realities of life. When Rowland learns about Roderick Hudson, a local young sculptor, he becomes intrigued by the potential he sees in him and offers his support and guidance. Their interaction hints at Roderick's artistic inadequacies and his complex relationship with his mother, while also establishing Rowland as a mentor-like figure who seeks to nurture Roderick's talent—setting the stage for the tensions and developments that are sure to unfold in their journeys through art and personal identity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Roderick Hudson
By Henry James
"Roderick Hudson" by Henry James is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story centers around Rowland Mallet, a young man who is preparin...
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About the Author
Henry James was an American-British author. He is regarded as a key transitional figure between literary realism and literary modernism, and is considered by many to be among the greatest novelists in the English language. He was the son of Henry James Sr. and the brother of philosopher and psychologist William James and diarist Alice James.
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