"The Murder of Delicia" by Marie Corelli is a novel written in the late 19th century. This work explores the themes of gender dynamics, societal expectations, and the complexities of marriage through the character of Delicia Vaughan, a talented and successful author whose devotion to her husband, Lord Carlyon, sets the stage for internal and external conflicts. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to Delicia, who is portrayed as a dedicated writer surrounded by the glory of springtime and the warmth of sunlight. She is deeply engrossed in her work and revels in the love for her husband, despite the societal pressures and tensions that they both navigate. The text contrasts Delicia's passionate intellect and labor with her husband’s laid-back approach to life, hinting at the themes of sacrifice and gender inequality that Corelli intends to explore. The introductory chapter ends with Carlyon’s unexpected return, adding an element of domestic bliss tinged with the looming sense of possible conflict as the story unfolds. Delicia’s admiration and love for her husband are palpable, yet the reader senses an underlying tension that hints at the tragic trajectory of her journey and the exploration of her identity within a male-dominated society. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Murder of Delicia
By Marie Corelli
"The Murder of Delicia" by Marie Corelli is a novel written in the late 19th century. This work explores the themes of gender dynamics, societal expec...
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About the Author
Mary Mackay, also called Minnie Mackey and known by her pseudonym Marie Corelli, was an English novelist.
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