"The Book of Christmas" by Thomas K. Hervey is a cultural exploration of the Christmas season, written in the late 19th century. The work delves into the customs, ceremonies, traditions, superstitions, and overall festive spirit associated with Christmas, drawing on historical practices and literary references. It emphasizes the significance of Christmas both as a religious event and as a time for social gatherings and celebrations. At the start of the book, Hervey sets the tone for this comprehensive examination of Christmas by reflecting on the nature of time and its connection to human celebrations. He discusses how various traditions have evolved over time, often intertwining historical pagan customs with Christian practices. The opening introduces the idea of a fading festive spirit, lamenting the decline of old traditions while emphasizing the importance of communal gatherings and the joy that Christmas has historically represented. Through poetic language and deep philosophical musings, Hervey prepares the reader for a journey through the rich tapestry of Christmas time, its rituals, and its enduring relevance in society. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Book of Christmas Descriptive of the Customs, Ceremonies, Traditions, Superstitions, Fun, Feeling, and Festivities of the Christmas Season
By Thomas K. Hervey
"The Book of Christmas" by Thomas K. Hervey is a cultural exploration of the Christmas season, written in the late 19th century. The work delves into ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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