"The Bridge" by G. G. Revelle is a science fiction short story written in the mid-20th century, likely during the Cold War era. The narrative unfolds around the tense situation faced by a military captain tasked with defending a vital bridge during a time of impending conflict. The story grapples with themes of loyalty, duty, and the moral dilemmas encountered in wartime. In the tale, Captain Alfred Lowary faces an overwhelming psychological burden as he struggles with orders that may require him to fire upon his own civilians to protect critical infrastructure. The story explores the tension between following orders and the profound emotional consequences of such decisions. As the story progresses, Lowary contemplates his family and the fate of those attempting to cross the bridge. Ultimately, a reprieve from potential disaster emerges with the unexpected announcement of an all-clear, allowing civilians through and showcasing Lowary's internal conflict and the heavy toll of war on human emotion. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Bridge
By G. G. Revelle
"The Bridge" by G. G. Revelle is a science fiction short story written in the mid-20th century, likely during the Cold War era. The narrative unfolds ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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