"Nelly's First Schooldays" by Josephine Franklin is a children's novel written in the mid-19th century. The story revolves around Nelly, a young girl who is excited to begin her school days alongside her peers, including her new teacher Miss Harrow and classmates like Melinda. The narrative explores themes of friendship, kindness, resilience, and the challenges faced by those living in poverty, particularly through the experiences of Nelly's friends, the Harrow family. The opening of the novel introduces readers to the Harrow family, highlighting the struggles they face as they deal with poverty and illness. Elinor Harrow, the eldest daughter, suffers from a debilitating condition brought on by the arduous work she undertook as a domestic servant. Despite the chaos and difficulty surrounding them, Nelly, who has just been adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, is eager to attend school and form friendships. As she navigates her school experience, she encounters challenges with a classmate named Melinda, which leads to lessons in forgiveness and understanding. The beginning of the story effectively sets up the overall tone of hope and the importance of community in overcoming hardship. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Nelly's First Schooldays
By Josephine Franklin
"Nelly's First Schooldays" by Josephine Franklin is a children's novel written in the mid-19th century. The story revolves around Nelly, a young girl ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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