"By Right of Conquest" by Arthur Hornblow is a novel written in the early 20th century." The story likely revolves around themes of class struggle, showcasing the stark contrast between the wealthy elite and the working class through its main characters, including Grace Harmon, a rich heiress, and Jack Armitage, a common stoker on a ship. The narrative hints at drama, societal issues, and personal conflicts stemming from their different backgrounds. "The opening of the novel introduces the reader to a gritty scene in a bar frequented by ship stokers, where Jack Armitage is among a small group of disgruntled firemen before their voyage." The atmosphere is one of despair and frustration as they grapple with their harsh working conditions, preparing to return to their grueling labor in the ship’s stoke-hold. Armitage, depicted as a formidable but troubled character, struggles with feelings of bitterness and anger toward his life and the societal structure that confines him. Meanwhile, an impending sense of drama escalates as tensions rise among the men in the bar, foreshadowing the conflicts to come, particularly in relation to their obligations aboard the ship that looms in their future. The opening lays the groundwork for an exploration of social class dynamics and personal rebellion against one's fate. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Right of Conquest: A Novel
By Arthur Hornblow
"By Right of Conquest" by Arthur Hornblow is a novel written in the early 20th century." The story likely revolves around themes of class struggle, sh...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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