"Third Planet" by Murray Leinster is a science fiction novel written during the early 1960s. The book explores themes of war, survival, and the potential consequences of human conflict, set against a backdrop of political tension between warring factions on Earth. The story is driven by a speculative exploration of alien worlds, highlighting what happens when life on one planet is extinguished, potentially giving warning to Earth about its own future. The narrative follows the crew of the survey ship "Lotus" as they discover a desolate planet that once thrived with life but has become a barren wasteland due to nuclear devastation. As the protagonist, Nolan, investigates this lost world, he realizes the devastating implications of humanity's own ongoing conflicts and the threat they pose to Earth. The tensions escalate as political leaders grapple with the potential for atomic war, culminating in a desperate and dramatic showdown, where the choices made by the characters can lead to either obliteration or the hope of peace. The novel ultimately serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of war and the destructive forces unleashed when humanity fails to learn from the past. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Third Planet
By Murray Leinster
"Third Planet" by Murray Leinster is a science fiction novel written during the early 1960s. The book explores themes of war, survival, and the potent...
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About the Author
Murray Leinster was a pen name of William Fitzgerald Jenkins, an American writer of genre fiction, particularly of science fiction. He wrote and published more than 1,500 short stories and articles, 14 movie scripts, and hundreds of radio scripts and television plays.
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