"When Ghost Meets Ghost" by William De Morgan is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a cast of characters living in a quaint London court as they navigate the complexities of life, love, and the supernatural, infused with humor and commentary on societal norms of the time. Key figures include siblings Dave and Dolly Wardle, who are raised by their quirky Uncle Moses and Aunt M'riar, setting the stage for a narrative rich in character studies and whimsical events. The opening of the novel introduces readers to Sapps Court, a quaint yet faded location in London, where the youthful Dave and his sister Dolly live with their unconventional family. The story begins with a humorous exploration of the court's physical characteristics and the everyday lives of its residents, particularly highlighting the imaginative antics of the children. As the narrative unfolds, we learn about their relationship with their Uncle Moses, his amusingly eccentric past as a prizefighter, and the small challenges and adventures of growing up in a tight-knit community. The tone captures a blend of nostalgia and warmth, promising an engaging exploration of both the mundane and the mystical. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
When Ghost Meets Ghost
By William De Morgan
"When Ghost Meets Ghost" by William De Morgan is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a cast of characters livi...
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About the Author
William Frend De Morgan was an English potter, tile designer and novelist. A lifelong friend of William Morris, he designed tiles, stained glass and furniture for Morris & Co. from 1863 to 1872. His tiles often recall medieval or Islamic design patterns. He applied innovative glazes and firing techniques. Galleons and fish were common motifs, as were "fantastical" birds and animals. Many of De Morgan's tiles were designed to create intricate patterns when several were laid together.
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