"Sudden Jim" by Clarence Budington Kelland is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around James Ashe, known as Jim, who inherits a clothespin manufacturing business from his father, Clothespin Jimmy. The narrative explores themes of personal growth, responsibility, and the challenges faced in both business and personal relationships as Jim navigates his new role and the dynamics of small-town life. The opening portion of the book introduces us to Jim Ashe as he suddenly finds himself in charge of his father's business after his father's retirement plans. With the weight of expectations and responsibilities on his shoulders, Jim grapples with his own aspirations and the future of the mill. He faces urgent decisions about accepting ownership, contending with market competition, and understanding the inner workings of the clothespin business. Alongside his professional challenges, Jim encounters the intriguing and conflicted character of Marie Ducharme, whose frustrations with life in Diversity mirror his journey of self-discovery and ambition in a world that seems restrictive and mundane. The engaging dialogue and relatable conflicts set the stage for Jim's growth as a character, inviting readers to invest in his journey. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sudden Jim
By Clarence Budington Kelland
"Sudden Jim" by Clarence Budington Kelland is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around James Ashe, known as Jim, who inheri...
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About the Author
Clarence Budington "Bud" Kelland was an American writer. Prolific and versatile, he was a prominent literary figure in his heyday, and he described himself as "the best second-rate writer in America".
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