"The Peacock Feather: A Romance" by Leslie Moore is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with a man named Peter, recently released from prison, who wanders the countryside with a penny whistle, seeking to rebuild his life while avoiding the shadows of his past. As he navigates his newfound freedom, he encounters various characters and situations that shape his journey toward self-acceptance and redemption. The opening of the novel sets the stage for Peter's transformation. After three years of imprisonment, the narrative unfolds with his first moments of freedom, revealing his struggles with past mistakes through letters from people he once knew. As he settles into a deserted cottage, Peter's artistic spirit comes alive as he begins to write again, seeking solace in nature and music. Despite the eerie history of the cottage and local superstitions, he finds a connection with the land and reignites his passion for creativity. The prologue and early chapters depict Peter's quest for belonging and the complexities of human connection that await him in the world beyond prison. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Peacock Feather: A Romance
By LM (Leslie Moore)
"The Peacock Feather: A Romance" by Leslie Moore is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with a man named Peter, recently relea...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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