"A Quiet Valley" by Agnes Giberne is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Wales, the story follows George Rutherford and his wife, Dulcibel, as they embark on a journey that intertwines their lives with that of a young girl named Joan. The book explores themes of parental love, responsibility, and the unexpected intersections of lives in a tranquil yet impactful setting. At the start of the novel, George and Dulcibel are enjoying a wedding trip at a Welsh hotel when they discover a small child named Joan wandering alone by a riverbank. The couple takes the child into their care, leading to a deeper connection with her. As George investigates Joan's background, it becomes apparent that her mother, a troubled woman named Marian, has left her behind due to dire circumstances. The opening chapters set the stage for a heartfelt exploration of familial bonds, sacrifice, and the quest for belonging, as well as the unfolding of Joan's mysterious origins and her relationship with the Rutherfords. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A quiet valley
By Agnes Giberne
"A Quiet Valley" by Agnes Giberne is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Wales, the story follows...
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About the Author
Agnes Giberne was a British novelist and scientific writer. Her fiction was typical of Victorian evangelical fiction with moral or religious themes for children. She also wrote books on science for young people, a handful of historical novels, and one well-regarded biography.
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