"Sweet Tooth" by Robert F. Young is a science fiction short story published in the early 1960s. The narrative revolves around the absurdity and humor that derive from two alien monsters that consume automobiles, causing havoc in a small town as they adapt to Earth's metal-based environment. The plot explores themes of human curiosity and adaptability in the face of bizarre extraterrestrial encounters. The story follows Dexter Foote, a newspaper reporter assigned to cover a fallen star, who finds himself in the ridiculous situation of witnessing the destruction of his convertible by two massive, metallic creatures that devour cars. As Dexter investigates further, he teams up with the local sheriff and army personnel to understand the nature of these "Vehicle-Eating Monsters" (VEMs). Through a series of comedic events, including absurd military strategies and the absurdity of the aliens' gluttonous behavior, Dexter formulates a plan to capture the creatures, leading to unexpected revelations about their origins and motivations. The story mixes elements of satire, adventure, and humor to comment on human perceptions of alien life and the absurdity of materialism. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sweet Tooth
By Robert F. Young
"Sweet Tooth" by Robert F. Young is a science fiction short story published in the early 1960s. The narrative revolves around the absurdity and humor ...
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About the Author
Robert Franklin Young was an American science fiction writer born in Silver Creek, New York. Except for the three and a half years he served in the Pacific Theatre during World War II, he spent most of his life in New York State. He owned a property on Lake Erie.
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