"Salome" by Emma Marshall is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a young girl named Salome who lives with her family at a comfortable estate called Maplestone Court. As the narrative unfolds, the Wilton family's seemingly serene life is disrupted by financial ruin and personal tragedy, forcing Salome to confront the harsh realities of adulthood and assume greater responsibilities for her family. At the start of the novel, Salome is portrayed as a reflective and sensitive fifteen-year-old, often lost in her thoughts while observing her surroundings, especially by the lake in their garden. The chapter introduces the carefree lives of Salome and her siblings, alongside hints of growing troubles, particularly concerning their father. As the narrative progresses, the story takes a sudden turn with their father's unexpected financial collapse, plunging the family into uncertainty. Salome's innocence is stripped away as she learns of their dire circumstances, compelling her to step up and think for others rather than herself, setting the stage for her character's development against a backdrop of emotional turmoil and loss. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Emma Marshall
"Salome" by Emma Marshall is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a young girl named Salome who lives with her family a...
Emma Marshall (1830–1899) was an English children's author who wrote more than 200 novels.
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