"The Unprotected Species" by Melvin Sturgis is a science fiction novel set in the mid-20th century. This story revolves around a crew sent to survey a newly discovered planet designated for colonization, which leads to unexpected and tragic consequences as members of the crew begin to lose their sanity. The primary focus of the book is on the mysterious inhabitants of the planet—gnome-like creatures— and the psychological breakdowns that ensue when the colonizers encounter unknown threats in this alien environment. The narrative follows Gallifa, the senior biologist of the surveying team, who grapples with the violent insanity that befalls his crew, starting with one of his men, Bradshaw. As Bradshaw is discovered in a frenzied state and subsequently restrained, Gallifa is drawn into a terrifying investigation of the gnomes and their potential influence on human behavior. The crew's terrifying descent into chaos leads Gallifa to suspect that the gnomes possess a powerful, mind-altering ability that drives humans to homicide out of sheer terror. The novel culminates in Gallifa's realization that their survival on this planet will depend not only on understanding this unique species but also on navigating the fears that threaten to tear the colony apart. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Unprotected Species
By Melvin Sturgis
"The Unprotected Species" by Melvin Sturgis is a science fiction novel set in the mid-20th century. This story revolves around a crew sent to survey a...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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