"Evered" by Ben Ames Williams is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins by vividly depicting a northern land, filled with beauty and character, particularly focusing on the small village of Fraternity, where the lives of its hardy, rustic inhabitants intertwine in complex ways. Among the characters introduced is Evered, a harsh yet powerful farmer and butcher, whose relationship with his gentle son John and his wife Mary is central to the narrative. The opening of "Evered" paints a rich landscape and establishes a tense domestic atmosphere. It introduces the community dynamics as the men gather at Will Bissell's store, where local gossip and tales of camaraderie are exchanged. The narrative quickly turns darker as Evered arrives with an imposing presence that instills fear and respect within the village men. His complicated relationship with his son John is highlighted—where John embodies gentleness and a yearning for love, contrasting with Evered's ruthlessness and emotional turmoil. This tension foreshadows the tragedy that befalls Mary Evered, setting the stage for a powerful exploration of love, anger, and the consequences of passion against a backdrop of rural life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Ben Ames Williams
"Evered" by Ben Ames Williams is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins by vividly depicting a northern land, filled with beauty ...
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About the Author
Ben Ames Williams was an American novelist and writer of short stories; he wrote hundreds of short stories and over 30 novels. Among his novels are Come Spring (1940), Leave Her to Heaven (1944) House Divided (1947), and The Unconquered (1953). He was published in many magazines, but the majority of his stories appeared in The Saturday Evening Post.
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