"The Earth Trembled" by Edward Payson Roe is a historical novel set during the tumultuous days of the American Civil War, likely written in the late 19th century. The story centers around Mary Wallingford and her family, particularly her father, Orville Burgoyne, who must reconcile their Southern pride and the impending war that threatens to tear their lives apart. As war breaks out, personal conflicts arise, influenced by the broader themes of loyalty, love, and social divisions between North and South. The opening of "The Earth Trembled" introduces us to the Burgoyne family in Charleston, South Carolina, just as the Civil War begins. Orville Burgoyne, a widower who has withdrawn into his studies, becomes deeply affected by the changing political landscape and the growing tensions surrounding him. His daughter, Mary, embodies both the innocence and the anxieties of youth as she grapples with her father's decisions and the burgeoning conflict. We witness her yearning for love as she interacts with Sidney Wallingford, a soldier whose path is set toward the war, highlighting the juxtaposition between personal relationships and the harsh realities of a nation at war. The tensions between familial loyalty, romantic love, and societal expectations set the stage for the emotional turmoil that follows. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Earth Trembled
By Edward Payson Roe
"The Earth Trembled" by Edward Payson Roe is a historical novel set during the tumultuous days of the American Civil War, likely written in the late 1...
Edward Payson Roe was an American novelist, Presbyterian minister, horticulturist and historian.
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