"The Adventurous Seven: Their Hazardous Undertaking" by Bessie Marchant is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around seven siblings, the Plumstead children, who are determined to reunite with their father in Australia. After hearing about the opportunities in New South Wales from a lecturer, they set forth on an adventure filled with hope, challenges, and the quest for family connection. The opening of the book introduces us to the Plumstead siblings during a lively lecture that inspires them to emigrate. Their eldest sister, Nealie, dreams of helping their father, a doctor in Australia, who they haven't seen for seven years. The siblings' excitement grows as they decide to seek permission from Mr. Runciman, their guardian, to fund their journey. The narrative reveals their close bond and determination to support each other, setting the tone for their collective resolve to face the unknown together as they embark on their adventurous undertaking. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Adventurous Seven: Their Hazardous Undertaking
By Bessie Marchant
"The Adventurous Seven: Their Hazardous Undertaking" by Bessie Marchant is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers aro...
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About the Author
Bessie Marchant (1862–1941) was a prolific English writer of adventure novels featuring young female heroines. She published most of her work under the name Bessie Marchant, but occasionally published as Bessie Marchant Comfort or Mrs J.A. Comfort. And a few books for boys, published under the name John Comfort are attributed to her.
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