"The Secret Power" by Marie Corelli is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story unfolds in Southern California, where a man lives in isolation in a small cabin, engrossed in his reading and scientific pursuits, seemingly disconnected from the world. The narrative introduces his interactions with a strong and committed woman named Manella, who brings him food from a nearby hotel. Their conversations reveal contrasting views on love, existence, and the nature of relationships, particularly highlighting the man's cynical perspective on affection and attraction. At the start of the novel, vivid imagery captures a tranquil yet majestic setting as a cloud drifts over mountainous landscapes, paralleling the protagonist's isolation. We meet the man, whose name is not yet disclosed, and witness his philosophical musings on life, love, and the human condition, while Manella expresses her yearning for connection and care. Their dynamic shifts between playful banter and deeper, charged conversations about the essence of love and the societal expectations surrounding it, leaving the reader curious about the development of their relationship. The dialogue hints at underlying tensions, particularly as Manella grapples with her feelings for him, while he steadfastly maintains a belief in the absence of true love. This opening sets the stage for a deeper exploration of themes such as isolation, romance, existential inquiry, and the conflict between emotion and intellect. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Secret Power
By Marie Corelli
"The Secret Power" by Marie Corelli is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story unfolds in Southern California, where a man lives in is...
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About the Author
Mary Mackay, also called Minnie Mackey and known by her pseudonym Marie Corelli, was an English novelist.
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