"The House of the Secret" by Claude Farrère is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with a mysterious protagonist writing down his last testament and warning of an impending danger, as he anticipates his own death just two days away. The narrative unfolds through the perspective of Captain André Narcy, who embarks on a mission that leads him into a series of strange encounters and uncanny events involving the enigmatic Madeleine and an unusual, seemingly supernatural old man. At the start of the story, the narrator introduces himself and expresses the urgency of his message, indicating that a grave danger looms over the individuals he addresses. Subsequently, Captain Narcy receives orders to deliver an important message regarding a potential military operation, sending him on a journey through the gloomy and eerie terrain surrounding Toulon. As he navigates the rugged landscape, revealing his connection with Madeleine and yet to understand their shared past, he becomes engulfed in chilling realizations that intertwine love, mystique, and the impending sense of treachery that hangs like a specter over his fate. The opening chapters evoke suspense and intrigue as the protagonist grapples with the blurred lines between reality and the uncanny, setting the stage for his fateful adventure. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The House of the Secret (La maison des hommes vivants)
By Claude Farrère
"The House of the Secret" by Claude Farrère is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with a mysterious protagonist writing down ...
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About the Author
Claude Farrère, pseudonym of Frédéric-Charles Bargone, was a French Navy officer and writer. Many of his novels are based in exotic locations such as Istanbul, Saigon, or Nagasaki.
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