"The Mystery of The Barranca" by Herman Whitaker is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in Mexico and centers around Robert Seyd, a mining engineer who, along with his friend Billy Thornton, ventures into the region in search of fortune in a copper mine known as Santa Gertrudis. The narrative hints at themes involving adventure, danger, and the complexities of human relationships in a culturally rich yet treacherous landscape. The opening of the novel introduces the bustling atmosphere of a Mexican train station where Seyd and Billy observe various characters, including a mysterious young woman named Francesca and her imposing uncle, Don Luis. Their first encounter with Francesca is marked by a heroic act from Seyd, who saves her dog from an oncoming train, which leads to a dynamic of gratitude with Francesca and a series of challenges they face in the foreign land. As the story progresses, hints of hostility from the local populace emerge, laying the groundwork for Seyd and Billy's impending struggles in their quest for mining success, alongside their interactions with Francesca and her wealthy family. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Mystery of The Barranca
By Herman Whitaker
"The Mystery of The Barranca" by Herman Whitaker is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in Mexico and centers around Robert S...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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